Chorus news
Find out what we've been up to and what's ahead.
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Can you carry a tune? We're always eager to meet folks who enjoy the warmth and camaraderie of singing well with others. Visit a rehearsal!
Past events
Brooklyn Cyclones game - August 8, 2024
We brought cheer to rain-drenched fans of the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team. We sang Under the Boardwalk and the Star Spangled Banner.

Penn Station and Grand Central Station - December 4, 11, and 18, 2023
We caroled for winter commuters on December Mondays! We were at Penn Station, near the LIRR entrance on Seventh Avenue. The following week, we set up in Grand Central Terminal's Graybar Passage.

Spring Showcase - April 22, 2023
The Big Apple Chorus proudly presented its 2023 Spring Showcase on April 22nd, singing songs from the 1930's, the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and the 2000's by artists such as Judy Garland, ELO, Frank Sinatra, Leonard Cohen, John Denver, Ricky Nelson, the Del Vikings, The Beatles, Maroon 5 and others...and received a standing ovation from its audience.

Singers, from left: Brad M., Spencer G., Jeff S., BariÅŸ Y., Dave B., Rob M., Haig C., Tim M., Joy S., Alexa D., Bill L., Joe H., Blythe F., Lenora O., Tessa S., Bill T., and Steve T. Maurice D., directing.
Columbia University - Feb. 25, 2023
Members of the Chorus sang the "Star Spangled Banner" on the basketball court at a recent NCAA game, where Columbia's "Lions" played against Brown University.

Singers in the lobby of Levien Gymnasium after singing the national anthem.
Singing on Park Avenue - Dec. 9, 2022
​The Big Apple Chorus delighted the residents of the Murray Hill neighborhood at their annual Tree-Lighting holiday celebration on Park Avenue.

Members of the Big Apple Chorus sing on the Grand Staircase of a Park Avenue hotel before venturing outside to sing for a holiday tree-lighting ceremony.
The Chorus during the Pandemic
Like most organizations, when COVID-19 hit New York City, we had to adjust and figure out how we could continue through the worldwide emergency. Our rehearsal space was shuttered, and social distancing quickly became the safe norm. Our public performances were cancelled. We had no idea how we would continue to sing.
But survive we did! We turned to Zoom for our weekly rehearsals. That kept us alive and vibrant during the next 15 months, able not only to keep our repertoire in shape, but also to learn 5 new songs (though not able to sing them on Zoom together in 4-part harmony -- "Ugh!"). Among the new songs that we learned while on Zoom are terrific arrangements of ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky," Maroon 5's "Sugar" and the Beach Boys' "Kokomo."
In June, when in-person outdoor gatherings were once again permitted in NYC, we finally resumed meeting together. We wore face masks when necessary, all had been fully vaccinated against the virus and stayed separated a safe distance.

During lock-down, various "for-the-occasion" quartets were able to deliver via Zoom: "Singing Valentines" in February, Mother's Day "Zoom-Grams" and birthday greetings.
Mama's Boyz quartet on Zoom, Mother's Day 2021

A portion of the Chorus itself presented a short virtual performance on Zoom to a company meeting in Edmonton, Canada.
Then, on September 19, the Chorus finally sang in in person again at a Brooklyn Cyclones baseball game in Coney Island!
A Big Apple Chorus contingent performs at a Brooklyn Cyclones home game in Coney Island.

On an appropriately-chilly December 2nd evening, a contingent of the Chorus sang at the South Street Seaport's 2021 Holiday Tree-Lightning festivities for a masked outdoor audience of about 400 New Yorkers and holiday tourists.

Members of the Chorus sing holiday songs for the crowd gathered at South Street Seaport's 2021 Holiday Tree Lighting festivities.

A few days later, members of the Chorus sang in an impromptu performance in Grand Central Station and at the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association's holiday party a the Pershing Square bistro.
Members of the Chorus perform at a holiday party a the Pershing Square Bistro.

Members of the Chorus give an impromptu performance at Grand Central Station.